Sex often triggers what is best and worst in relationships. Swinging from the highs of passion to the lows of rejection, sex offers us all plenty to engage with and talk about in session. Yet, most therapists are not taught how to facilitate these intimate conversations and harness the power of sexual connection to help secure the couples’ attachment.
Therapists avoid talking about sex for fear of embarrassment, lack of assessment skills, and/or little confidence about what to do with sexual dysfunctions and disconnections. Though deeply important to their relationship, our clients, likewise, might avoid talking about sex for fear of being embarrassed, of being found incompetent or unattractive, and/or fear of having hopeless conflict. Even when couples have achieved a measure of secure emotional attachment in therapy, there is often still a need for direct work on their sexual relationship.
EFT trainer, George Faller, LMFT, and certified sex therapist, Laurie Watson, LMFT, teach skills to help you assess the negative emotional and sexual cycles for a more logical framework to help couples resolve their toxic cycles.